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If you’ve never visited with us before at Westfield Baptist Church, We want to invite you to do so. It is our prayer that you will find a warm and welcoming environment. But most importantly, we want you to come and worship Jesus Christ. Our doors are open to everyone.


What to Expect

Each Sunday morning, we offer one worship time at 11:00 AM. We sing mostly hymns at of our services, but we also include special music and choruses that include all styles of Christian music (Southern Gospel, spirituals, contemporary praise, etc.)

What to Do

As you visit, feel free to engage whomever you meet in conversation. Ask lots of questions. Check us out. But as you do so, don’t miss the real reason for being here: WORSHIP! I often say, “Worship is not a spectator sport. God expects participation. And He will multiply your investment and return it to you in the form of a blessing.” Don’t miss the math. God will multiply your investment. But if you invest nothing, well…you get the picture.  So sing with all your heart. Pray when others pray. Give as an act of worship. And tune IN to the message.


What to Bring

When you come for worship, you’ll definitely want to bring your Bible. We typically preach out of the New King James Version, but feel free to bring the translation of your choice. 

Sunday School Classes

Regardless of which worship service you choose, you’ll want to take advantage of our Sunday School program.  Sunday School is your opportunity to connect with other believers in a small-group setting, and develop encouraging relationships that will last a lifetime. We invite you to join one of the following classes: 

9:45 AM
Adult Co-ed 1 (Grant Overby and Byron Voigt)
Adult Co-ed 2 (Darrin Haywood, Dickie Brannock)
Adult Co-ed 3 (Ben Beers)

Adult Women 1 (Doris Jessup)

Adult Women 2 (Grace Stewart, Jan Gale)
Adult Men 1 (Phil Sutphin)

Adult Men 2 (Mark Oakley)
Children's Class
Middle and High School Class


Wednesday Nights: 

Our Wednesday night Adult Bible Study begins at 6:30 PM in the Sanctuary. We have a time of announcements, Bible Study, and prayer. 
We serve dinner to our kids and students at 6:30 PM in the Downstairs Youth Wing. After dinner we have a time of worship and Bible Study for all ages. 


You are welcome here. Please join us just as soon as you can. It’s our desire that you know that God loves you and so do we!




Sunday School 9:45 AM

Worship Service 11:00 AM



Family Dinner 6:30 PM
Adult Bible Study 7:00 PM

Kids and Student Ministry 7:00 PM

Telephone Conference 336-374-1445, code 27053

6713 Westfield Road
Westfield, NC 27053

Tel: 336-351-3311

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