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Ministry Opportunities

Our Nominating Ministry Team will be meeting during the next several weeks to nominate people to serve on our various ministry teams.  In order to involve as many as possible in the life and ministry of our church, please take the time to read what each ministry team does and then prayerfully consider which area you would like to serve in during the 2020-2021 Church Year. There is also an online form, which is linked below, to  indicate where you would like to serve. 



Sunday School 9:45 AM

Worship Service 11:00 AM



Family Dinner 6:30 PM
Adult Bible Study 7:00 PM

Kids and Student Ministry 7:00 PM

Telephone Conference 336-374-1445, code 27053

6713 Westfield Road
Westfield, NC 27053

Tel: 336-351-3311

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